As part of the Into The Mountain performances, a new choir of women learned, practiced and sang a new vocal score written by artist Hanna Tuulikki. Led by vocalist Lucy Duncombe, the choir accompanied the dancers, sounding a bird-like call to announce the point at which the dancers would tumble down the mountains towards the audience. The score was non-verbal, and drew inspiration from aural instruction in Nan Shepherd’s The Living Mountain and traditional song in the area. Lucy and Hanna asked the choir to improvise, inspired by the setting of the mountains.
The choir were: Alison Bell, Frances Davis, Beatrice Fettes, Anna Filipek, Caroline Gatt, Sarah Hobbs, Norma Hunter, Julie Lawson, Lisa Lawson, Sandy Leahy, Rebecca Livesay-Wright, Margaret Moore, Adele Napier, Angela Patterson, Sheila Pettitt, Sandra Robertson, Catherine Rose, Hannah Swift, Sheila Waterhouse, Ailsa Williams and Victoria Woodcock.
Photos: Felicity Crawshaw