Performed over 4 days, Into The Mountain culminated with a series of guided walks and performances deep within Glen Feshie for small audiences. On arrival at the performance site, the audience were invited to sit within the heather in their small walking groups. Five dancers tumbled down the mountain side, from their stationary positions under space blankets. The ‘boulders’ emerged and became deer, over the heather towards the audience, falling into formation with choreography devised by Simone Kenyon in collaboration with the dancers and the mountain itself.

The movements were informed by Nan Shepherd’s, The Living Mountain, and took instruction from the site at which they were performed. In the heavy rain, the dancers opened themselves to the site joyously, using Simone’s training in Body Weather and somatic practices to connect and share the ecologies and environment with the audience.

The Into The Mountain dancers were Jo Hellier, Petra Söör, Nussatari, Keren Smail and Caroline Reagh.

Photos: Felicity Crawshaw